Past Projects & Photos

CLICK HERE  to see trip photos taken by our volunteers! 

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh, Kontum, Hoi An, Hue)

  • Volunteer Voyages traveled to this incredible country over Veteran’s Day with a small group that included a Vietnam Veteran! We toured various parts of the beautiful country, visited some Vietnam War memorials and historical places, and taught English at local orphanages to children of various ages.

Peru (Pisac)

  • Volunteer Voyages took a small group of volunteers up into the mountains above Pisac, Peru to a small village of 150 families. We taught the villagers how to construct a solar cooking stove made from basic, inexpensive materials to be utilized without cutting down trees for firewood. In our line of volunteer work, we often see many health conditions associated with wood smoke which contains several toxic, harmful air pollutants. It was amazing to watch the faces of the villagers as they witnessed the water boiling in the pot placed inside the solar stove!

Peru (Iquitos, Cusco, Arequipa, Cajamarca

  • We worked intimately with several tribes living along the Amazon River.  We recently taught them how to sew mosquito nets (for use and for sale) and we created a functioning jungle spa for the tourists frequenting the tribe’s Maloca, as an additional source of revenue for the natives.  Also provided health care services and taught a variety of skills to the indigenous populations living in extremely remote communities in the Andes Mountains.  These projects have continued over the span of ten years and have included many trips and a very large number of volunteers, serving innumerable people.









Thailand (Suan Phueng, Bangkok)

  • Taught Refugees from Myanmar and other communities how to build reliable, inexpensive water filters so that they can have clean and safe water for drinking and cooking.


Chile (Puerto Saavedra)

  • Assisted poor communities in coastal Chile to improve their lives and to build more stable communities and families.  Provided basic medical care for families in need.


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Dominican Republic (Puerto Plata)

  • Partnered with Fathom to cruise to the Dominican Republic to assist poor communities near Puerto Plata to improve their lives and to build more stable communities and families. Worked with multiple projects, including chocolate production, reforestation, paper recycling, teaching English, water filter construction, and more.



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  • We worked with a mining exploration company to provide health evaluations and safety counseling for the workers at a very remote site.  Also worked with the local residents in a remote community to plan additional medical and dental service delivery.





  • We worked with an international mining exploration company to provide health care services to the population living and working around the mine.  We also were asked to teach local communities how to construct biosand water filters for their families.  These projects extended over about 5 years and included multiple visits, involving a large number of volunteers.

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  • Several projects in India have included water filter construction teaching, agricultural consultation, and a series of lectures to grade school students on the importance of avoiding tobacco use – in all of its forms.
